Music Playlist: Shiho Kito

In our latest issue, we spoke to visual artists from Asia and Middle East to learn more about their relationship with music. While some artists have worked closely with music and incorporated it [...]

Music Playlist: Homayra Adiba

As a part of our cover feature ‘Music and Visual Arts’ in our latest issue, we spoke to eight visual artists to understand their relationship with music. While some artists work closely with [...]

Music Playlist: Sameer Kulavoor

Whether it comes to music collaborations in the form of album artworks or diving into melodies for inspiration, music and visual arts have had a longstanding relationship. In this new series, we [...]

Music and Visual Arts

We spoke to eight creatives from Asia and Middle East to understand their personal and work related relationship with music.

Hiné Mizushima

We step into Hiné Mizushima’s playful world where various objects and creatures are infused with the magic of colour.